Our Vision

We believe that everyone should have access to water, regardless of where they live, their income, their gender, race or ethnicity, or age.

From the outset, we have charted a course that sets us apart. We believe that water security for all is a generational imperative. We also believe that it is within reach.

We also envision a world where water is properly protected and managed by the rule of law. We believe that statutes and evolving laws can play an instrumental part in meeting the challenges of both today and tomorrow.

Above everything, our vision is to align science, policy, diplomacy and every other discipline to create laws that can truly govern. In our communities, we use law to signal our beliefs, to create ordered and just societies, and to protect and punish. The law is a powerful tool, but like every tool it needs to be updated and honed, adapted to the needs of today. This is our vision: to create and innovate in law; to envision the societies that are just and fair to all, and to create those through law; to ensure that no one goes thirsty or lives in water famine; to balance the competition for resources against the need for peace. Our vision is to create this world on a foundation of laws, and to build humankind’s capacity to understand, use, and develop these laws.

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We rely on donations to be able to provide assistance to the areas of the world that are suffering from water stress and scarcity the most. When you give, you are helping to build the foundations of law around the world, and protecting lives across the United States.


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